Glycemic Index of Bacon: Understanding GI, Glycemic Load & Nutrition

bacon glycemic index

Glycemic Index of Bacon

The glycemic index (GI) of bacon is 0, as it contains negligible carbohydrates. Foods with little to no carbohydrate content do not significantly impact blood sugar levels.

Glycemic Load of Bacon

The glycemic load (GL) of bacon is also 0. Glycemic load accounts for both GI and carbohydrate content, and since bacon has almost no carbs, its GL remains negligible.

Nutritional Value of Bacon (Per 100 Grams)

Nutrient Amount
Calories 541 kcal
Protein 37 g
Total Fat 42 g
Saturated Fat 14 g
Monounsaturated Fat 19 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 4 g
Cholesterol 110 mg
Sodium 1,717 mg
Potassium 565 mg
Total Carbohydrates 0.6 g
Fiber 0 g
Sugar 0 g

Values may vary depending on the preparation and type of bacon.


Bacon has a glycemic index and glycemic load of 0, making it safe for blood sugar control. However, it is calorie-dense and high in saturated fat and sodium. For balanced health, consume bacon in moderation and pair it with nutrient-dense foods like vegetables.